Career Profile

Summarise your career here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. You can download this free resume/CV template here. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu. Second paragraph if required.


Network Control Manager

2020 - 2021
Amazon Logistics, London

Started off as an intern and had a position specially created for me to be hired full time.

  • Automation of reports and data processing through Python scripts, SQL and Excel
  • Managing multiple stakeholders and customers, presenting data and promptly handling last minute requests
  • Prioritisation of workload between long term strategic projects and short term tactical projects


University College London Data Science Society Hackathon

Data science competition in partnership with American Express and Microsoft.

  • Hosted at Microsoft Reactor London

BSc final term work

University of São Paulo

Programatically (Python) collected, organised and thoroughly analysed a large volume of data from numerous sources to determine the mechanism behind η Carinae’s brightening in the last century.

  • Data analysis and interpretation of photometric data
  • Development of a Python code to analyse the data

Undergraduate Research with Scholarship

2014 - 2016
University of São Paulo

Assisted the construction and tests of GEM type detectors related to the upgrade of the ALICE experiment at the LHC.

  • Presented at the 23rd (2015) International Symposium on Scientific Initiation of the University of São Paulo (SIICUSP)
  • Presented at the 24th (2016) International Symposium on Scientific Initiation of the University of São Paulo (SIICUSP)


2014 – 2016
Institute of Physics’ LGBT+ Collective

A founding member in 2014. As one of four direction officers from 2015 to 2016:

  • Planned and coordinated the creation of the collective’s manifesto
  • Managed social media and events
  • Persuaded the institute’s administration into implementing new policies for guaranteeing the wellbeing of transgender students
  • Held many joint meetings with the student’s union officers


Private Pilot License

Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority (349370)

Brazilian private pilot license for single engine piston aircraft.


Personal projects and academic assignments.

Yugiquery - Python script to query and display Yu-Gi-Oh! data from the yugipedia database
Arduino Odometry - Jupyter notebook to reconstruct inertial navigation data from arduino sensors

OSS Contributions

Pull requests and contributions to open source projects.

TQDM Discord contrib fix - Implementation of Discord Rich Presence for the tqdm progress bar using pure REST API


For more, visit InspireHep.

  • Distinguishing circumstellar from stellar photometric variability in Eta Carinae
  • A Damineli, E Fernández-Lajús et. al.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomy Society, 2019
  • SoLAr: Solar Neutrinos in Liquid Argon
  • Saba Parsa et. al.
    Snowmass, 2021

    Skills & Proficiency




    MS Office (Excel, VBA)







